I began the year with preaching at Bible Baptist Church in Elmont, NY. This great church Pastored by Carl Lubin is located on the edge of Queens. For years I have preached there the Sunday before the New York City Outreach. God directed me to preach on the family in the morning service as a couple had planned to renew their wedding vows that day. It was a special service with great decisions. Also that morning, a young man in his twenties trusted Christ as Savior! He had just been walking by on a Sunday a few weeks earlier and came into the service. This was about his third time there.
New York City Outreach!
This year we had several people help at the prayer stations for the first time. The lady pictured below came from a local church and was used of the Lord to lead a young lady to Christ!
The man below also came to help with the outreach for the first time. He spent several minutes giving the gospel to a seeking soul but the man left unsaved. Later that day this seeker came back and I was introduced to him. God allowed him to see his sin and his great need of a Savior!
I was also able to connect with Justin again, who was saved last year at the hotel. It is a blessing to see ones that we have led to Christ in previous years!
From Coast to Coast!
In the Orlando area we were with Pastor George Harris. Please pray for the wife of Pastor Harris as she has been struggling physically for several months. It was an encouraging meeting for Christians and we did see a lady saved! The lady was trusting her baptism to wash away her sins. After I explained that she must trust exclusively in Christ she saw her need. I asked, “Are you ready to change your mind about your baptism, and tell God that you are not going to trust your baptism any more but only in Jesus?” She said, “I sure am!”
Cheri and I flew to San Diego, CA to hold meetings with Fundamental Baptist Church in Escondido. Pastor Merritt is one of the most positive pastors I know. He and his wife were so gracious to us. The Spirit of God did a legitimate working of revival in the church. There was a tender response throughout the week but especially on the last two nights.
Many have been interested in our missions trip. Our next email update will feature this amazing trip. God did incredible things and I cannot wait to share them. Until next time, thank you for reading our updates and praying for us.