Michigan Revivals

The success of seeing souls saved in the churches in Michigan was a direct result of the prayers and revival conferences the last couple of years led by Dr. Rick Flanders. In Corunna, MI the church rented a performing arts theater to have a gospel crusade on the concluding night of our revival services. We ended up seeing twelve trust Christ on that night as a result of this huge step of faith! Some real miracles took place that night.
Pastor Jason Georges invited a family of five that evening. In conversation afterwards, I talked with the oldest son who had excellent questions about the gospel. I answered them from the Bible and asked if he would like to receive God’s gift right then. He bowed his head and trusted Christ in front of his whole family who is still unsaved. Also a church member who had been praying for years for some coworkers saw God save them that night. A church member who was in the parking lot just before the service began, saw two gentlemen who he thought he should invite to the crusade. He talked himself out of doing so. He then recognized it was the Holy Spirit telling him to do it, and he obeyed. They both said, “Sure, we will come.” One of the men trusted Christ!

At a harvest day in Clio, MI with Pastor John Flanders, we saw four saved which included a grandmother and a grandson. There was a teenage girl who my wife was used to lead to Christ. The teen girl just lit up whenever she was asked if she got saved!

In a small town in Marysville, MI, God is doing some big things. The church, led by Pastor Don Barth Jr., had a record attendance on our Thursday evening friend night. That week we saw five saved and one get assurance of salvation. One man was met on door-to-door as a result of a burdened deacon. It truly was a divine appointment to meet the catholic man who was not supposed to be home from work for another hour and a half. God saved him and he came to some of the services.
Ohio Revivals

In Broadview Heights, Pastor Joel Royalty encouraged his church to pray and seek the Lord for a harvest of souls on Harvest Day as we began the meeting. It was a tremendously successful day, with about twenty guests, three of which trusted Christ for salvation. One man that was saved that day was not invited by a church member but it was in God’s providence that he and his wife visited on that gospel service. He is from Romania and had an orthodox background. After over an hour of talking with him after the service, he realized his need to trust Christ alone for salvation. He and his wife have visited a number of services since that day.

The next church we were privileged to serve in was Pastored by Ron Royalty the father of the previously mentioned pastor. I had a good witness with a catholic lady who broke down in tears and is very close to trusting Christ. Also, Bro. Ron, and I visited a man who was in the services on Sunday and he finally realized he was trusting his baptism for entrance into heaven. He was so close to trusting Christ, and then several interruptions came and stopped him. Please pray for these two that they would be saved. Jonathan was able to share his testimony and set up a table for his burden – Cameroon, Africa.

At the last church in Ohio we had Evangelist Dan Brubaker join us. Several children trusted Christ in the kid’s services that he conducted. On the last night, we had a tremendous response in the service for decisions to be used of God in soul winning, and we had a teen boy respond in the invitation and was lead to Christ by the youth pastor. There was also one more unsaved man in attendance who was there a few times that week. He talked with pastor and myself afterwards but did not accept Christ. However, I just received a text saying he came back to another service and received Christ!
Trip to India
Please pray for a tremendous opportunity to take a trip to India. If you have questions about our trip, please contact me.

If you would like to help with supporting our travel and necessary funds for this exciting crusade, please let us know. We would greatly appreciate it!