Revival quenches the thirst we have. If you were in the desert without any supplies, you would be thirsty – incredibly thirsty! This thirst would be urgent not just because of your desire but because the water is necessary for your very survival. Are you thirsty for God to revive you? Are you thirsty for more in your Christian life? Those questions were the ones that I asked on the final service I was privileged to preach at Fostoria Baptist Church.
Fostoria Baptist Church
We were blessed with many good services with Pastor Steven Henry in Fostoria, MI. This good church has been used of the Lord in the farming area of the thumb of Michigan for over 50 years. The Lord lead to preach sermons on the revival aspect of recognizing our weakness and resting in Christ’s strength just like the branch abides in the vine. Many made key decisions especially on the weeknight services. I love to hear comments how God has brought truth to life to someone.
The Lord used my wife and two sons to lead the children in a kid’s club each evening service. I am thrilled to see my sons helping and serving the Lord. We should never belittle the fact that God can use them. We should also never under value our impact in the little children in our churches.
We are grateful for one soul trusting Christ. This person had raised their hand for prayer on Sunday but did not trust Christ until the Wednesday service. It was so sweet to see them respond in the invitation. I also was struck with how many people responded that evening and came to pray with myself and pastor for soul winning. I challenged the people to say what the Apostle Paul said, “I am ready to preach the gospel.” With tears streaming down his cheeks pastor prayed for several members who came and told him that night, “I am ready!”
Juniata Baptist Church
We were blessed to preach Sunday Morning on Mother’s Day at Juniata Baptist Church. The Lord was good to us and help us see a lady trust Christ as Savior! Please pray for this church as they seek the Lord’s direction on their future pastor.
Grace Baptist Church
Revival not only satisfies the thirst we have but also gives us the life we need. Because revival is experiencing spiritual life again from God. Choosing to have revival is choosing life. It is the actual life of God in us. That is why after Moses said in Deuteronomy 30:19 “choose life” he continued in verse 20 “for he is thy life.” If we do not choose to have revival, then we are actually choosing death. I taught on this for the opening Sunday school Grace Baptist Church in Eaton Rapids, MI.
We were excited to be with Pastor Mark Michalcewicz in Eaton Rapids, MI for revival meetings for the first time. We were amazed at the great music this church had. The tender response to the preaching was seen throughout the week. We had good witnessing opportunities in people’s homes and in the services. There were three people who need to get the matter of salvation settled. I believe they will, but we must pray about it. Please pray for these to understand and recognize the conviction of the Holy Spirit in their lives.