My son, Joseph, and I were a part of the soul winning outreach in the subways of New York City. Even though there were fewer workers this year, the Lord blessed abundantly. We saw forty seven people saved! Thousands more received gospel literature, but there were forty seven who trusted Christ during the week. There are some amazing stories represented with those people.

One man stopped by for prayer on the first day. After I prayed with him, I gave him the gospel but he did not understand. I prayed for him that night. The next day he stopped again, but this time prayed with another worker. Again, he received the gospel and this time he was saved! He then asked for prayer about some drugs. We prayed for him as a group that night. The final day he stopped by and thanked us for sharing the gospel with him and praying for him. He then said he threw those “dirty drugs” away!

I had the opportunity to witness to a married couple. The lady professed to be saved, but the man did not understand. In New York City there are always many distractions, but on this day we had the Hare Krishnas beating their drums, chanting, and proselytizing all around us. While their chants droned on, the man seem to be in a distracted daze. There seemed to be a spiritual oppression. I simply decided to stop the witnessing endeavor and pray for the man. After I prayed, I said, “Here, please take these materials and think about what the Bible says.” He then snapped out of his daze, and said, “I want to know how to have eternal life.” I went through the gospel again and he was saved!

The day before we left I gave some literature to a hotel worker that we have seen for several years. There was another worker who seemed to be interested. Later in the morning I returned to give him the literature and our gospel DVD. He was so thankful that he almost hugged me. We planned to meet after he got off work and before we had to leave for our flight. He said, “I try to be a good person and be nice to others.” After seeing Ephesians 2:8,9, I asked who are you trusting to get you to Heaven? He said, “My self.” I asked, “Would you be willing to change your mind and trust Christ alone to save you?” He was. We were able to ride the train with him on his way home and our way to the airport.